4000 divyaprabhandham – iraNdAm Ayiram


Name 4000 divyaprabhandham – iraNdAmAyiram
Language English
No. of Pages 302
Author blessed by AzhwArs
Description AzhwArs are those who were divinely blessed by SrIman nArAyaNan who is the divine consort of SrI mahAlakshmi. As bhagavAn showed the blissful experience about himself to AzhwArs, the overflow of such experience in their divine hearts came out as what is known as aruLichcheyal or dhivya prabandham.
Our pUrvAchAryas desired that all of us, SrIvaishNavas fully and properly learn AzhwArs’ pAsurams, learn the meanings and live their lives according to the teachings in those pAsurams. This is why our pUrvAchAryas mercifully gave several commentaries for dhivya prabandhams and shown how to live as per the principles shown in those pAsurams.
To faciliate such learning and reciting of pAsurams, we are publishing these four volumes of dhivya prabandhams, where the words are clearly separated. This initiative to have dhivya prabandham pAsurams in English text will be very useful for those who are interested in learning dhivyaprabandham but cannot read thamizh script. By following our pronunciation guide, pAsurams can be recited in a clear manner.
Available Languages English
Book Code E-40-DP-IA-01-DC
Kindle Link  
eBook https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AfVnChI_1b9_-kxIe_9y3qa0zfYaZCHQ/view?usp=share_link
Minimum Donation INR 220

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