saptha kAdhai – Commentary

Name saptha kAdhai – Commentary
Language English
No. of Pages 92
Author Commentary (in thamizh) : piLLai lOkAm jIyar
English Translation : SrI  sArathy thOthAthri

viLAnjOlaip piLLai, who is piLLai lOkAchAryar’s true disciple and who has well grasped the essence of this SrIvachana bhUshaNa dhivya SAsthram, due to his great mercy, beautifully presented its meanings in just seven pAsurams which are easily understandable. piLLai lOkAm jIyar has mercifully written a beautiful commentary for this saptha kAdhai. He has explained the meanings of the pAsurams citing many pramANams (authentic references). We have translated this beautiful commentary into English for the benefit of those who would like to understand the same in an easy manner. 

Available Languages English, thamizh
Book Code E-58-SKV-01-D    
Kindle Link
Minimum Donation INR 55

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